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Latest | is a library, search engine, huge collection(+5m) of song lyrics, song chords for a seemingly endless array of artistsBrowse & find our lyrics, chords and artists database alphabetically or use our advanced query capabilities to search by keywords.
[Lyric] Meu Mundo (Guiu)
[Intro] Hahaha IssoQueÉSomDeRap, tá ligado? Guiu Coruja BC1 Ahn [Verso 1: Guiu] Antes de fazer 18 já viu arma e viu o crime Teu menino é todo afoito, já viu coca e já viu Disney Liberdade pro Biscoito, cadeia pros que oprime Nóis lutando mais que Pride pra gritar "favela vive" Pra gritar que os irmãos vive Ninguém morre, nóis resiste E cês tendo...Learn MorerapGuiu[Lyric] WIN (Neyoo)
Yeh yeh yeh Neyoooooooo ANG Fighting the cause like say I get one plan for you again You can believe me I tell you say I never fail Wetin I come start I believe say I get the mentality to Pursue you like an ambitious fellow I know the street is tough More than anything But that is not an excuse for failure No champion without scars If it was...Learn MorepopNeyoo[Lyric] Por una vez Las Ventas 2015 (Hombres G)
[Letra de "Por una vez (Las Ventas 2015)"] He perdido tanto tiempo Divagando y escribiendo Sobre amores que jamás pude sentir Todo era triste y pequeño Como el niño que llevo dentro Hasta la primera vez que te vi Llegaste así de repente Todo cambió para siempre Por una vez tengo a alguien que me quiere Que no le importa quién soy ni quien...Learn MorepopHombres G[Lyric] DAJ PARE MI (Vkie)
[Refren] Powiedziałem sobie, że nie będę jak mój stary frajer Powiedziałem jej że zawszę będę, no a nie zostałem Dziwko vkie, wielkie przedsięwzięcie, robimy dziś fire Czasem udaję, że słucham jej, chociaż nie zależy wcale mi Masz tabletki to daj pare mi, scena niech zrobi pałę mi Typy robią to choćby za karę, chyba zmusił stary ich Wciąż pamiętam...Learn MorerapVkie[Lyric] とても深いグリーン Totemo Fukai Green (Flower (JP))
それは とても 深いグリーン 私の部屋で キミと毎晩 朝まで話し込んだよね すごく 他愛もないことで はしゃいで お気に入りのソファー 手の平ひとつ分だけ離れて座ってるときに 愛しさだけが 愛しさだけが もう 泣きたいくらい 溢れていたの 深緑のカーテン越しに広がる夜が ぼんやり明るくなって 「そろそろ寝ようか?」キミがそう言うたびに ぎゅっとぎゅっとぎゅっと抱きついてた 小さなベッドで窮屈そうに眠る それさえ幸せだったの サヨナラするなんて まるで思わなかった キミがキミがただ好きでした…グリーン 二人で一緒に この部屋のもの ひとつひとつ選んだから 全部 思い出が残ってて 困るわ 新しく何もかも 変えようとしてみるけど それができないのは多分 まだキミのこと まだキミのこと...Learn MorepopFlower (JP)[Lyric] TWOJA LIGA NISKA (Vkie)
Palisz hassan a nie hash Duża kasa, musisz dać Mi za feat, Twój ziom konfitura Oficer już puka Ci do drzwi Ponoć oś dała Ci bloka Nie pomoże nowy nick Uderzyła w głowę koka Więc zrobiłem nowy hit (yeah) Ona nie za mądra Ale za to jaki tył Nie mów nic o Carpe Diem Ludzie nie chcą tutaj żyć Ty wyprzedałbyś rodzinę Żeby tylko zostać G Na...Learn MorerapVkie[Lyric] Hurt (Jova and the Wave)
[Letra de "Hurt"] [Verse] When you hurt me Did you listen? Did you even stop to think? Did you feel guilty every time you looked at me Did you forgive me? When you hurt me Did you change or stay the same? Did you regret? Did you do all you could to make amends? Were you there for me? [Pre-Chorus] And I Never wanted to fight Never wanted to blame...Learn MorepopJova and the Wave[Lyric] All I Want to Be Is by Your Side (Nanette Workman)
Do what you do Don't bring me down I went to the doctor He's just another clown Don't stand alone You might turn to stone I'm sure there was a pill for that You're on your own Can't you see what it's doing to me? All I wanna be is by your side I don't care if they cut your hair All I wanna be is by your side Shake me down You wanna put me on the...Learn MorerockNanette Workman[Lyric] What Youd Let Yourself in For (Mesha Dyer)
[Verse 1] I Made these people up in my head They don’t exist But sometimes I kinda wish they did Its the perfect scene In my head its all a dream But I wish it was real Cause I need something to feel Need it right there Need you right here Tell you want Cause I got something to flaunt This is a first Is this a blessing or a curse? Really wanna...Learn MorerapMesha Dyer[Lyric] Change Your Mind (THE JACKS (US Band))
I never meant to waste your time I never meant to cross that line But maybe I can change your mind Maybe I can change your mind I never meant to tell you lies I never meant to patronize But maybe I can change your mind Maybe I can change your mind Yeah I'm finding my place, yeah I’m leaving off where you left me You know I can't sleep You know I...Learn MorerockTHE JACKS (US Band)[Lyric] Var Ol Türkçe Versiyon (Zamiq Hseynov)
[Bölüm 1] Yıllar geçmiş, sanki aşkta yeniyiz Bir an olsun ayrılmadı ellerimiz Ne güzel aşk yaşıyoruz ikimiz Aynı ruh olduk, aynı can olduk İki bedende Yıllar geçmiş, sanki aşkta yeniyiz Bir an olsun ayrılmadı ellerimiz Ne güzel aşk yaşıyoruz ikimiz Aynı ruh olduk, aynı can olduk İki bedende [Nakarat] Var ol hayatımda Bir an olsun benden uzaklarda...Learn MorepopZamiq Hseynov[Lyric] Let U Go (Noah NorTH)
You say you love me but I don't believe it Cause if you did you'd be there when I need it Drinkin' ease on my pain, I been trippin' Smoking cause lately I don´t want to feel shit Having thoughts tell...Learn MorepopNoah NorTH