Artist: Actual Archer Music
Lyrics of Artist: Actual Archer Music
  1. [Lyric] To Be With Me (Actual Archer Music)

    [Intro] If I swallowed an apple seed Would a tree grow inside of me? Probably not, but it'd be fun to find out If I've an idea in a bullet And I put it through my head Would I be smarter although I'm dead? [Verse 1] Closing up a wound with another one Sealing my own fate with a gun Making a scene, now that sounds fun Now, don't leave me alone too...Learn More
    rockActual Archer Music
  2. [Lyric] Shape Shifter (Actual Archer Music)

    [Verse 1] Does it make you feel better, being someone else? Like a hermit crab, you scuttle around, waiting to change shells It's very hard to know someone who changes every day Easily molded into shape; personality of clay [Chorus] You got me wrapped around your little finger You get me to sing, but I'm no singer Tell me to go and I won't...Learn More
    popActual Archer Music