Artist: Aethereus
Lyrics of Artist: Aethereus
  1. [Lyric] Upon Infinite Seas (Aethereus)

    It is not death that I desire But the death of all things From the depths of the abyssal expanse Cries of agony erupt I, I cannot breathe, I cannot see I have no mouth and now I cannot feed All senses have fled, I have grown numb The skein unravels as all is undone Egocentrism was perpetuated through my indoctrination By their will, the skeptics...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] That Which Is Left Behind (Aethereus)

    As we emerged from the seemingly infinite halls A sinister truth made itself known; Life goes on without us It cares not for that which it will leave behind The essence of our memory Forever etched into the alcoves of our minds Is nothing. Though we cling to this skeletal bond Flesh and blood will inevitably decay Our rot nourishing enduring...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Aberration (Aethereus)

    Lo, Eternity has been relentless. I begin to seize As the world around me contorts and dissolves As mind and body coalesce in rapturous singularity A hand reaches towards impossibility Violently ripping abstraction from the aethere; Forcing existence upon me As my emancipated consciousness Careens through tunnels of psychedelic light Visions of...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] The Unmanifest (Aethereus)

    Emptiness encircles as I glide listlessly into the void The blinding luminosity of the cosmogenial womb A faded glow in the distance Drowning in the waters of desolation I await the cycle’s completion From the depths of the abyss, I hear faint whispers of life Out of the darkness emerge distant spheres of white light Innumerable lifeless eyes...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] The Living Abyss (Aethereus)

    As I gorge myself on these unworthy souls knowing their fate brings such relief A calm before the storm, As this emptiness within remains Why? Don't they acknowledge my presence as I feed upon their genesis! Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds Ender of time and space Consuming these last fragments of light All is lost within me, erased...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Behold the World Eater (Aethereus)

    Behold, a cosmic leviathan Splendidly stretched across endless eons Resplendent ineffable horror Witness, o putrid filth The merciless eater of worlds Eternal and vicious Colossus, thy name is Death The Father of all and of nothing; Bound to an unalterable destiny To consume An off-kilter howl; salacious ululation of a Ravenous fiend Reality...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Fluorescent Halls of Decay (Aethereus)

    I have seen what waits before me Lurking in the infinite depths of a starless aeon; Faceless ghouls devouring spectral light My dying essence nourishes their malice I hear a voice calling for me Beckoning me to drown in isolation Vision fades as rot collapses my lungs My veins burst from the unrelenting pressure Cylindric conduits cycle blood...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] The Pale Beast (Aethereus)

    Lo, the final breath is upon us With one final heave, the sky is torn asunder And the anxiety of life is alleviated We are freed from the suffocating sterility Of the unyielding fluorescent halls And in their absence feel only emptiness In their absence only feel emptiness A warm light plays against the cold surface As a throng of...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] Shrouded in Kaleidoscopic Skin (Aethereus)

    Deep into the void, I wade through the cosmic seas Following my faceless gods through massive waves of astral blood What further gifts shall I receive in honor of my ethereal transmigration? Shall I ascend to a higher form so that I may end my Sojourn in this mangled form? Reflected in the infinite depths I see a face that is not my own A...Learn More
  10. [Lyric] Leiden (Aethereus)

    Trapped in a moment I won't forget Forever festering within the flesh Recurring as a nightmare Slowly eating me Destined to drift in solitary I shall not mourn over insignificant lives They mean nothing to me anymore All I sought was a purpose in the eyes of father Alas all they have bestowed was an undesirable gift of misery A gift of...Learn More
  11. [Lyric] Endless Cycle of Rebirth (Aethereus)

    Galvanized by the molding of the flesh, my essence Encased within a tomb of gore and bone Memories of a cyclic existence; ceaseless repetitious Epochs of nihilistic scorn The time between the birth of the universe And the death of the stars is eternally in motion I, an unwilling passenger condemned to rewatch The endless mortification of...Learn More
  12. [Lyric] Writhe (Aethereus)

    Writhing worms Frantically squirming through upheaved earth Deep into open sores they burrow Gnashing away at my flesh From within, I hear their voices calling me; Cacophonous hymns that are without meaning I am naught, nothing but an empty vessel Into which onlookers pour their insufferable delusions Dissolve me I drown in rot, they spew forth...Learn More