Artist: Almo (USA)
Lyrics of Artist: Almo (USA)
  1. [Lyric] FALLOUT (Almo (USA))

    Punj Let me put this call out Count 1,2,3 go all out New Vegas yes we ball out Write songs about the fallout And how I wish my life was thought out Before clocking in this knockout Producing like I pop off Rapping all my lovers socks off I know you’re hoping But you’ll never see me cop out Cause I’m in paradise city and youre a burn out You can...Learn More
    rapAlmo (USA)
  2. [Lyric] 24 (Almo (USA))

    Never thought I’d be turning 24 When being an 18 year old is all that I know Never thought I’d be turning 24 Without seeing opportunities lined out my door Never thought I’d be turning 24 In the midst of a battle for my mind and my soul I never thought I’d be turning 24 And have no fucking clue what you do at 24 Ayo Was always a bit of a...Learn More
    rapAlmo (USA)