Artist: alt-J
Lyrics of Artist: alt-J
  1. [Lyric] Fitzpleasure (alt-J)

    [Intro] Tralala, Trala–, Tra-a-la, –la Tralala, Trala–, Tra-a-la, –la Tralala, Trala–, Tra-a-la, –la Tralala, Trala–, Tra-a [Chorus] In your snatch fits pleasure, broom-shaped pleasure Deep greedy and googling every corner La, Trala–, Tra-a-la, –la-la-la-la-la-la-la [Verse 1] Dead in the middle Of the C-O-double-M O-N Little did I know then That...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] UME (alt-J)

    [Verse 1] Summer holiday, having fun Happiness is between two buns Feeling funky on a rolling boil Smiles bend all over, can't control how I feel [Chorus] It's just you and me now [Verse 2] Round of kimonos for my girls in the sun Sending videos to friends in London Strut like Stellan Skarsgård to and from the bar Playing my candied tangerine...Learn More