Artist: Ambien
Lyrics of Artist: Ambien
  1. [Lyric] Within the Noise (Ambien)

    We count our fingers As if we could grow more We glide along rivers Like insects in retreat And when the waterfalls come We could rise, but instead we choose to fall Tracing the flowing droplets With bodies too meek to recognize The power within the choice The anger within the noise; Falling still, we look at the water-necked Rocks and expect...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Green Moon (Ambien)

    The light calls us outside Green moon in the sky Shoes hit the street Free of thought, free of mind Steps taken outside of mine I drop everything of the life I've built Every house lit on fire Hair grown from a rootless skull In the garden there is a snake The legs of a floating spirit The robes of a dying god The sky is a prophet And we are the...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Grayscale (Ambien)

    We move in shadow; we writhe in sunlight In the cave of our mind we live at the mercy Of thought and seizure—what do I think And why do I think it? What do I take And why do I take it? Easy enough To walk down the street with an air Of optimism, but the street itself The operating table by which The city removes limbs and lives Flosses its teeth...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Torture the Sky (Ambien)

    Compare now with then and be left breathless By illusions. Muster images of a perfect world: No eternity, no burning. The stars have been traced And we still can’t see what they measure. The distance Between self and infinity is a key. Unlock the vision; Believe in what it means to be “saved.” How broad Each stroke? How vain? We are stars,...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Likeness of a Wasp (Ambien)

    Lights overhead. A storm gathering Inside—me, everything, no wonder we All die: magnetized, we stratify against Our own constraints, split in half and half And half and half and half and half; We float toward some kind of hole And float down, a crucial kind of settling Whether drenched in chemicals or ignited The final ending, taken by the...Learn More