Artist: Arthur Rimbaud
Lyrics of Artist: Arthur Rimbaud
  1. [Lyric] The Star has wept rose color (Arthur Rimbaud)

    The star has wept rose-colour in the heart of your ears The infinite rolled white from your nape to the small of your back The sea has broken russet at your vermilion nipples And Man bled black at your royal side...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  2. [Lyric] The Drunken Boat (Arthur Rimbaud)

    As I was floating down unconcerned Rivers I no longer felt myself steered by the haulers: Gaudy Redskins had taken them for targets Nailing them naked to coloured stakes I cared nothing for all my crews Carrying Flemish wheat or English cottons When, along with my haulers those uproars were done with The Rivers let me sail downstream where I...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  3. [Lyric] Sensation english version (Arthur Rimbaud)

    On the blue summer evenings, I shall go down the paths, Getting pricked by the corn, crushing the short grass: In a dream I shall feel its coolness on my feet. I shall let the wind bathe my bare head. I shall not speak, I shall think about nothing: But endless love will mount in my soul; And I shall travel far, very far, like a gipsy, Through the...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  4. [Lyric] Ophelia (Arthur Rimbaud)

    I On the calm black water where the stars are sleeping White Ophelia floats like a great lily; Floats very slowly, lying in her long veils... - In the far-off woods you can hear them sound the mort. For more than a thousand years sad Ophelia Has passed, a white phantom, down the long black river. For more than a thousand years her sweet...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  5. [Lyric] Parisian War Song (Arthur Rimbaud)

    Spring is evidently here; for The ascent of Thiers and Picard From the green Estates lays Its splendours wide open! ______ O May! What delirious bare bums! O Sèvres Meudon, Bagneux, Asnières Listen now to the welcome arrivals Scattering springtime joys! ______ They have shakos, and sabers, and tom-toms And none of the old candleboxes; And...Learn More
    rapArthur Rimbaud
  6. [Lyric] To Music (Arthur Rimbaud)

    On the square which is chopped into mean little plots of grass The square where all is just so, both the trees and the flowers All the wheezy townsfolk whom the heat chokes bring Each Thursday evening, their envious silliness - The military band, in the middle of the gardens Swing their shakos in the Waltz of the Fifes: Round about, near the front...Learn More
    rapArthur Rimbaud
  7. [Lyric] Dance of the Hanged Men (Arthur Rimbaud)

    On the black gallows, one-armed friend The paladins are dancing, dancing The lean, the devil's paladins The skeletons of Saladins Sir Beelzebub pulls by the scruff His little black puppets who grin at the sky And with a backhander in the head like a kick Makes them dance, dance, to an old Carol-tune! And the puppets, shaken about, entwine their...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  8. [Lyric] At the Green Inn Five in the Evening (Arthur Rimbaud)

    For eight days, I had ripped up my boots On the stones of the roads. I walked into Charleroi - Into the Green Inn: I asked for some slices Of bread and butter, and some half-cooled ham Happy, I stuck out my legs under the table Green: I studied the very naives characters Of the wallpaper. - And it was charming When the girl with the huge breasts...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  9. [Lyric] Vowels (Arthur Rimbaud)

    A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels I shall tell, one day, of your mysterious origins: A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies Which buzz around cruel smells Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapours and of tents Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of cow-parsley; I, purples, spat blood, smile of beautiful lips In anger...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  10. [Lyric] To the Poet on the Subject of Flowers (Arthur Rimbaud)

    I Thus continually towards the dark azure Where the sea of topazes shimmers Will function in your evening The Lilies, those pessaries of ectasy! In our own age sago When Plants work for their living The Lily will dring blue loathings From you religious Proses! - Monsieur de Kerdrel's fleur-de-lys The Sonnet of eighteen-thirty The Lily they...Learn More
    rapArthur Rimbaud
  11. [Lyric] Mauvais sang (Arthur Rimbaud)

    J'ai de mes ancêtres gaulois l'œil bleu blanc, la cervelle étroite, et la maladresse dans la lutte. Je trouve mon habillement aussi barbare que le leur. Mais je ne beurre pas ma chevelure. Les Gaulois étaient les écorcheurs de bêtes, les brûleurs d'herbes les plus ineptes de leur temps. D'eux, j'ai : l'idolâtrie et l'amour du sacrilège ; — oh !...Learn More
    miscArthur Rimbaud
  12. [Lyric] The Cheated Heart (Arthur Rimbaud)

    My poor heart dribbles at the stern My heart covered with caporal They squirt upon it jets of soup My poor heart dribbles at the stern Under the gibes of the whole crew Which burst out in a single laugh My poor heart dribbles at the stern My heart covered with caporal Ithypallic, erkish, lewd Their gibes have corrupted it In the wheelhouse you can...Learn More
    rapArthur Rimbaud