Artist: Banquer
Lyrics of Artist: Banquer
Lyrics of Artist: Banquer
[Lyric] Il Professore and his Mad Men (Banquer)
Allllright ladies, you know the drill Gotta ball bust a lil, there’s time to kill Alpha and bravo on point, dont f’get the safety Bill Chaaarlay! Don’t bite Delta jus do duh run odda mill Nerves of steel as per usual, swhat I like to see From the legionnaires of my team, we ain’t aftah easy Gotcha thinkin we tryna die hard, when all ain’t as it...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] SCL (Banquer)
Stumblin carefully, lazily Super cloudy, loud but quietly Sexy creepy, lady Sleep cat, lemme Switch camera lenses Stop crime lessons Speech conscientious lemmons So contentiousness lessens Strugglin to get the key in the locked door of mah shadow cloaked lair Out of which I must leave to save those in despair When hit declare with flare that I’ll...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Sate (Banquer)
Is it ever really enough? It’s one more game Endin on a loss would be a shame The binge watcha dreads the showstoppa fera sec Then looks at the depleted bag Call the man of grass t’ask fera deal Expect some sorta shpiel Instead met wit crass sass y’ont get yet You see the plug that plugged his plug got unplugged, sucks Could prolly do a set at yuk...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] 6’ulm o’ th’D. Mon (Banquer)
6'ulm o' th'D mon Got the evil laughs cuz I like to cackle callously Hello ello el oh el it's four phones, get busy Mind off it's rails issan airplane im cap'n ill kill billy Aes rock inmuh cock pit, so don't cancel me Iaint no homophobe, this homosapien gets homophone crafty Graphics on my mask got elements of supervillainy SanDOOM, with one flow...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Space Time Shuffle (Banquer)
Air cracks and fractures it ain’t ye rear view S’like ye seein a fractal image, y’eyes deceive you Reach forth into what is actually a dimensional portoo This is more akin to a different realm, rules illogicoo Mattafac here the illogical rule, daint bowdat floos Come along w’me n shake a few screws loose Shit, do it f’th views, or y’could stay in...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Index Direct (Banquer)
Tragedy strikes, misery run rampant, wonduh who to blame Me, you, the other dude or destiny, idkwtb Was it the pointuh? Was the smelluh in fact the dealuh, idkwtb Agatha Christie murduh mystery, mind games n trickery, idkwtb The criminology majuh feel the need to weigh in on who to blay who to blay who to blame Take love for a good murder...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] SNL (Banquer)
Boom bap to backpack trap Villainy energies absorbin enemies Kill any Gs disrespeckin OGs Will eulogies be the extent of muh abilities I’ll challenge these, tryna dissolve Mephistopheles wif silliloquies What exactly am I tryna be, day in n day out Ain’t speakin, supa saiyan things wif ma mouth I ain’t one to be team leadin widda call out But I do...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Hail Mary (Banquer)
It all comes down to this Last inning, quarter, try, buzzer beater shot Hailmary pass, go long, monster wide receivuh The give no quarter, quarterback, shoutin go long Touching it down, turnit round interceptuh happen to be duh runnin back, givem duh clear Watch his rear in case that linebacker appear No fear if y’crews a group, team effit workin...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Fake Ape X (Banquer)
Disappear mid 808, halfway point 404 not found error Damned to elo hell, the skilled and clever pale in the face of momentum powor Yuhh T-Rex in the Pokédex, gymnastrick politricks Submit to involuntary corrupt colonics Sign the most moronic, yo sellout, shlonik? coronic Call the coronuh, it’s a rapbubonic pandemic Yung Hip-Hoppuh onna ousside...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] L’ego (Banquer)
Keep ego dead, or otherwise in check Off widmuh big head, hit the deck Here come the lead, shield duh neck Don’t let animosity innis bed firra sec Who was it that said, oh what the heck It’ll be aight Ned, kill Fred he’s a nervous wreck He’ll prolly alert some fed that I’m tryna raise hell on lady killaz such as the shit head Speck Like fee fi fo...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] Final Huddle (Banquer)
Gather round now, it all comes down to this Furthest round, finals, it all comes down to this Go fertha win notta draw, it all comes down to this Enemies barin their claws, it all comes down to this Let’s do blue 42, twice at the mos Let the situation choose, red 32 or green 2 20 dos Peace deuces t’Shanii I ‘member when was floosless Mos classes...Learn MorerapBanquer[Lyric] F’in It (Banquer)
Lawd f'give me fi have to sin Ion’t know where t'begin I'm tryna say a blessing Pon em, help em derive meanin This guide assist purpose findin The guise desist progression This guys not in a position to be revealin Slow down the caption, can’t have y'knowin Fits public rage gone be flowin Tunnel vision locks n keys gitstolen I'll have fucked up a...Learn MorerapBanquer