Artist: Ben Bernanke
Lyrics of Artist: Ben Bernanke
  1. [Lyric] Remarks by Ben Bernanke on the Economy 12/12/2012 (Ben Bernanke)

    Good afternoon. It’s been about 3.5 years since the economic recovery began. The economy continues to expand at a moderate pace. Unfortunately, however unemployment remains high. About 5 million people – more than 40% of the unemployed – have been without work for 6 months or more, and millions who say they would like full-time work have been...Learn More
    miscBen Bernanke
  2. [Lyric] Statement by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke 12/14/2012 (Ben Bernanke)

    I welcome our guests to the Federal Reserve. The proposed rulemaking we are considering today is another important step toward strengthening our regulatory framework to address the risks that large, interconnected financial institutions pose to U.S. financial stability. This proposal would implement the Dodd-Frank Act's enhanced prudential...Learn More
    miscBen Bernanke