Artist: Bounty Hunter Brothers
Lyrics of Artist: Bounty Hunter Brothers
Lyrics of Artist: Bounty Hunter Brothers
[Lyric] Play the Field (Bounty Hunter Brothers)
Don't pass me, I'm down to come All odds are down, five to six or two to one I can't play the field and look both directions I can't play the field and look both directions I can't play the field and look both directions I can't play the field and look both directions The spirit moves me awake Lying next to her on the floor Before the sun even...Learn MorerockBounty Hunter Brothers[Lyric] Wyoming (Bounty Hunter Brothers)
Lonely rose on a lumber road Cold fog lumbers through No more ocean air or nights impaired By the desperate thoughts of youth Bury me in an open range Bring me back when things get strange Clear blue skies to fill my eyes The sun to bleach my bones A lean-to shed, and an unlaid bed The silent aspen grows Bury me in an open range Bring me back...Learn MorerockBounty Hunter Brothers