Lyrics of Artist: CAESARIA
  1. [Lyric] Sometimes I Wanna Fight (CAESARIA)

    [Verse 1] Forever young, I tried, I tried to start again Should write it to remind, or only to complain? All right, the thing is gone Sometimes the lady is gone Sometimes I wanna fight, to see if I can feel Just because you turned right, I turned left, don’t you see? All right, the thing is gone Sometimes the lady is gone [Chorus] Forever young I...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Watch Your Lies (CAESARIA)

    I wonder how you can even smile I won’t dream, f*ck did I even try ? You wonder why I feel so bad Babe, I read the stars and I can’t see a light Can you change what you are ? Don’t think that I ever tried Can you give it all you’ve got ? That shit I keep deep inside Can you live with your scars ? That’s them I’m tryin’ to hide Can you see me in...Learn More