Artist: Caustic Wound
Lyrics of Artist: Caustic Wound
  1. [Lyric] Death Posture (Caustic Wound)

    Skeletalized In time, in mud Final words Never known A life once lived Lost in grave mist Existence Now breathless In earth, in piss Posture of the fear cradled Embrace by cold death touch Posture in frenzied blood lust Frozen in horrible mangle...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  2. [Lyric] Black Bag Asphyxiation (Caustic Wound)

    Total dark Oxygen deprived Black bag From behind Thrash and choke Lungs scream and deplete Hysterical creaking inhale Consume and defeat Vision fades to black Spastic convulsions cease Cold dead wearing frantic face Black bag asphyxiation...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  3. [Lyric] Cataclysmic Gigaton (Caustic Wound)

    Total bombardment Cataclysmic gigaton Twisted screams of billions To be heard by no one Deluge By fire Humans final mistake Catastrophic death In ruinous Quake Ashes of vaporized cities Sit on corrosive earth In acrid fog Stench of burning death Woven into noxious smog Mutually assured destruction Only the buzzing croak Of this smoldered...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  4. [Lyric] Autonomous Weapons System (Caustic Wound)

    Marching onward Machine gun hell fire Bloodied onslaught Bodies piled higher Death toll increasing Nameless and forgotten Unceasing For what and for why...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  5. [Lyric] Invisible Cell (Caustic Wound)

    Infiltrate Corners of the mind In subconscious it hides Tearing apart From the inside Looking inwards Burning the threads that bind Totality Of the whole Fatality in the shell Thoughts ring / repeat Prophecy of self defeat Can't break out Invisible cell...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  6. [Lyric] Guillotine (Caustic Wound)

    Mass grave The guillotine Earth remains Cold / blood stained Dismal world Await a falling blade Razor sharp glisten Reap sickle / spade Eyes Roll back Heads Roll downhill Bodies to the dogs They roam Gluttonous Satiated...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  7. [Lyric] Visions of Torture (Caustic Wound)

    Vision blurs Hues of red Portraits of innocence Pleading half dead Barely alive Writhing in pain Blood spills On the floor Echoes drip Like rain Suffer Visions of torture Again and again...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  8. [Lyric] Ritual Trappings (Caustic Wound)

    Dismal spectrum Sinking into morbid hues Depths of dark Cannot perceive Body and mind Frail and weak Herded Rowed Forced exodus Emaciated and directionless Ritual trappings Life left behind...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  9. [Lyric] Uranium Decay (Caustic Wound)

    Silent death spreading faster Penetrate The masses Invisible mist Of extinction Cancerous lesions Organ failure Convulsive agony Ghastly wheezing ceases Die with none But not alone Millions of poisoned bodies Decay to ashes The dead will feed this soilt yet No plant will grow...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  10. [Lyric] Blast Casualty (Caustic Wound)

    Severed limbs Strewn about Body parts spread Across the ground Victims of the blast Shrapnel tears through flesh No warning No reason Now just a violent mess Pulpy Disfigured pile Innocence Made as sufferer A picture As wrath of gods Blast casualty...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  11. [Lyric] Cabal (Caustic Wound)

    Bloody cabal Who profits Who is in control Grotesque enslavement Vision of reality Suffocated Grotesque Reality Fed on scraps While they feed On our limbs Engorged on what bleeds Bloody cabal...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound
  12. [Lyric] Cemetery Planet (Caustic Wound)

    Dead sun No life Sulphuric toxic gas Nothing has survived Decrepit cities Oxidized and mauled Tombs of the mechanized Inert and scald Cemetery planet Towers of death On barren stone Stagnant deserts scorn On frozen bone...Learn More
    rockCaustic Wound