Artist: Chris Thile
Lyrics of Artist: Chris Thile
Lyrics of Artist: Chris Thile
[Lyric] If The Sea Was Whiskey (Chris Thile)
If the sea was whiskey and I was a diving duck If the sea was whiskey and I was a diving duck I'd swim to the bottom and I don't know if I'd come up I'm just here wondering, will a matchbox hold my clothes? I'm just here wondering, will a matchbox hold my clothes? If things don't get no better then down the road I go Whiskey and beers they don't...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] God Is Alive Magic Is Afoot (Chris Thile)
God is alive Magic is afoot God is alive Magic is afoot God is alive Magic is afoot Alive is afoot Magic never died God never sickened Many poor men lied Many sick men lied Magic never weakened Magic never hid Magic always ruled God is afoot God never died God was ruler Though his funeral lengthened Though his mourners thickened Magic never...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Salt in the Wounds of the Earth Part 2 (Chris Thile)
Sweet Jesus that was close You really dodged a bullet Guess everybody knows now They'd better cut the bullshit 'Cause you are the salt of the earth Renouncing your savor And they've become the church Rubbing salt in the wounds of the earth In the name of a savior Who only seems to save their sense of worth As they haul off our neighbors AIt may be...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Wont You Come and Sing for Me (Chris Thile)
I feel the shadows now upon me And the angels beckon to me Before I go dear sisters and brothers Won't you come and sing for me Sing those hymns we sang together In that plain little church with the benches all worn How dear to my heart how precious the moments We stood shaking hands and singing a song My burden is heavy my way has grown weary I...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Salt in the Wounds of the Earth Part 3 (Chris Thile)
There you go again Judging You gotta count to ten Or something I don't know Maybe take a couple deep breaths Ahh Like so Look at all the ins and outs and call a mistrial Where everybody wins You know who needs a judge? Judges Go on tell 'em They ain't the boss of us Louder Yeah Let's hear your gavel falling with a thud That's more like...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Mutton and Strawberries (Chris Thile)
What hath God wrought Of strength unfelt Gifts neglected And love withheld What hath God wrought Lucretia left the world without a fight Father left it clutching the handle of a knife His memory never failing to give that knife a twist All has led to this: Mutton My children scattered like so many seeds Separated from one another and from me All...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Salt in the Wounds of the Earth Part 1 (Chris Thile)
Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha O look at you discover you're afraid to die As the lover on your left arm puts a baby in your right Whatcha gonna do? I've known better souls than yours to self-destruct And lesser to find favor with the Lord above Whatcha gonna do? Huh huh huh huh? Huh huh huh? Huh huh huh huh? Good here's the sinner's prayer A...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Falsetto (Chris Thile)
February swings my timeline From worry to despair It's only been two weeks and there's a lifetime Of friendships to repair between America and everybody else 'Cause Froggy went a courtin' and he thinks it went well Says "Buddy, if you say it didn't, you can go to -- With your movies and your marches Your speeches and your silly songs And your...Learn MorepopChris Thile[Lyric] Dionysus (Chris Thile)
Lead me to some holy place Then shut my eyes that I might taste Your land your sky your sea And I'll sing you what I see Lord I'll sing you what I see And when we're in that holy place Plug up my ears that I might taste Our days our months our years And I'll dance you what I hear Lord I'll dance you what I hear It's the prayer of a species at...Learn MorepopChris Thile