Artist: Condemned
Lyrics of Artist: Condemned
  1. [Lyric] Subject to Infliction (Condemned)

    Death to corrupt beings No pity for the inexorable Behavior dictates you fate An act teaming with hypocracy Yet it must be done You will be subject to infliction Absolute fucking torture Desecration at its most relevent Existance eradicated No epitaph to be found Only remains of the dead Ridding society of these malignant bastards Wretched...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] The Hive Ablaze (Condemned)

    Ablaze No respite from the rage of this conflagration Engulfing, unprejudiced indiscriminate Divesting all compassion and civility in the shadow cast by their destroyer Doomed Dark herald of the finite boundary of a futile, waning existence Glinting of the last dying light, encroaching darkness takes its hold Regression, devolution, perverse...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Ascending the Spectral Throne (Condemned)

    Rising, reaching skyward, beneath a blinding sun As if in effort to extinguish the last bit of light it casts Spiraling serpentine, insectoid, seemingly alive Grown from the very terra upon which it sits Towering, foreboding Monolithic, obeliskoid Over a ruinous landscape of death Stained dark with stale blood A charnel masterpiece, this shrine of...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Legion (Condemned)

    My will cast into the swine innumerable denizens That exist solely to proliferate entropy A sempiternal pursuit for triumphal darkness To ensure it's ascension To subrogate eternal darkness for light To subjugate opposition and dissent My will become the will of the many Of hive mind singular In purpose a beckoning Ethereal in the...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Omniscient Perturbations (Condemned)

    With patience and baited breath I observe this unfolding As this sickly world bends and heaves, breathing its last As the knell swells to a deafening cacophonous din A choir of torments spiraling upwards to nonexistent heavens Tremors of an impending death, grow more violent More frequent Agitation, propaganda, worming into susceptible...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Nefarious Sanguine Decree (Condemned)

    A yearning for blood, a grim exhortation A demand for tribute of the darkest kind The deepest devotion, indelibly staining red Spreading over the very fabric of a once simple existence Altering the course and purpose of a mundane civilization Forevermore My great work of ages Transmutating into something more Killers reborn, higher purpose attained...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Dawn (Condemned)

    Here is dawn Awakened from an eon's slumber Liberated from this ageless imprisonment, set free To sow the seeds of hate and despair; nihilistic discontent I am abomination Formless entity Amorphous, analogous to one's darkest fears The wolf at the door, a world in attrition A meek and enfeebled flock on which to feast I bring forth calamity and...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Fixation on Suffering (Condemned)

    Impale the treacherous, manipulative filth Abstract that which holds no purpose Befoul these disgusting entities Indulge in nefarious debauchery Puncture the abdomen splay the organs Skewer the head then decapitate Excoriate the corpse entirely Obtaining gratification by inducing demise Obsessed with mutilation (Fixation on Suffering) Heaps of...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] His Divine Shadow (Condemned)

    Mindless in the midst of a dark gestalt; gibbering Governance by an unseen master Actions, motivations, seemingly controlled of a will not their own Volition, strangled out, a shadow cast, weighs heavily on their being Apocalyptic yearning for something larger than themselves Has allowed this stain to invade their weakened minds Privileged to...Learn More
  10. [Lyric] Pestilential Reign (Condemned)

    Descending, strangling out the light Pervasive, overtaking Shadowy ignobility, of one mind Acolytes, servants who revel in this darkness And the chaos it breeds Hordes of formless, swarming in chaos Penumbral, foreboding, darkening the skies Ecliptic, noxious malevolence A sickening hum churns the bowels Frenzied embodiment of my vile...Learn More
  11. [Lyric] World-Reaving Terror (Condemned)

    I am the great destroyer of worlds Drifting Across innumerable black gulfs of coldness and desolation Seemingly endless expanse, unnavigable vastness and cold Dormant in a timeless slumber Hurtling for eons that defy enumeration The master's transit, the world-striding shadow Denizens of a, forgotten world A black nobility, ravager of...Learn More