Artist: Converge
Lyrics of Artist: Converge
Lyrics of Artist: Converge
[Lyric] They Stretch for Miles Redux (Converge)
Up for days cutting losses and trading in the most precious of wings The nights never end, and these ghosts will never know true rest They stretch for miles, they take me home In the name of love and you I say Sometimes when you win the war you lose it all Towering, they stretch for miles Speaking as eloquently as the tallest of tales They stretch...Learn MorerockConverge[Lyric] Locust Reign Redux (Converge)
Awaken from the bliss of sleep The daybreak haunts you in such a subtle light I hear them, they tell me these roads we have travelled Fork up beyond the bend Beneath the flutter of desperate wings They sing a song of reclamation Where tomorrows hanging horizon Interrupts the hum of electrical towers Here, there are the shallow graves The...Learn MorerockConverge[Lyric] Divinity (Converge)
A tear to shed my soul To bleed out my divinity I search for Holding the spine of God My sour sedation pulled them away So many things left unsaid, my brightside faded away Less than zero a shade apart from what I feel, cold We used to play devotion but I see your face It's not divinity Godkiller Mindcleaner The shallower I, the more I sink And I...Learn MorerockConverge