Artist: Craic Boi Mental
Lyrics of Artist: Craic Boi Mental
  1. [Lyric] Ocean of Pink Lucozade (Craic Boi Mental)

    [Intro] Oh oh, oh [Chorus] I been drownin' my emotions In an ocean of pink Lucozade I been drownin' my emotions In an ocean of pink Lucozade I been drownin' my emotions In an ocean of pink Lucozade It looks like I can't be saved Oh it looks like I can't be saved [Verse 1] I had notions of taking over the world I wanna feed all the poor boys and...Learn More
    rapCraic Boi Mental
  2. [Lyric] Ur Gender Is Valid 2 Me (Craic Boi Mental)

    [Chorus] Whether you feel like a he, they or she, uh Your gender is valid to me, uh Whether you're trans or non binary, uh Your gender is valid to me, uh Be proud of your pronouns, express your pronouns Be proud of your pronouns, express your pronouns Whether you feel like a he, they or she, uh Your gender is valid to me, uh [Verse 1] Your whole...Learn More
    rapCraic Boi Mental
  3. [Lyric] Hush Stfu (Craic Boi Mental)

    [Chorus] Homophobe hush, racist hush Sexist hush, shut the fuck up I said now transphobe hush, ableist hush Xenophobe hush, shut the fuck up I said now homophobe hush, racist hush Sexist hush, shut the fuck up I said now transphobe hush, ableist hush Xenophobe hush, shut the fuck up [Verse 1] Nowadays everyone got an opinion But not an opinion...Learn More
    rapCraic Boi Mental
  4. [Lyric] Clones Fuck Lidl and Tesco (Craic Boi Mental)

    [Intro] Yo this goes out to all them low value brand Tayto Man ripoffs Fuck Tesco and Lidl, fuck Walkers, fuck the rest of 'em [Chorus] Got no love for no fake feen Got no love for no clone Got no love for no fake feen Got no love for no clone Got no love for no fake feen Got no love for no clone Walker boys come and see me Fuck Lidl and...Learn More
    rapCraic Boi Mental
  5. [Lyric] No 2 War (Craic Boi Mental)

    [Chorus] I say no to war, no to war No to war, save the world I say no to war, no to war No to war, save the world I say end the fighting, end the fighting End the fighting, protect the migrants I say end the fighting, end the fighting End the fighting, protect the migrants [Verse 1] We've come so far since the 50s Putin tryna start war in our...Learn More
    rapCraic Boi Mental