Lyrics of Artist: CURSED WOLF
Lyrics of Artist: CURSED WOLF
[Lyric] The Pizza Plex Trio (CURSED WOLF)
[James] (spoken) Uh, Hello? Hello, hello? (sung) Hi, I'm James, Pleasure to meet you. I'd like to leave a few quick words. Jasmine's friends can be a bit Active. [Yu] Blah, blah, blah. That's completely absurd [Jasmine] Monty, Freddy Time to get ready. [Freddy] Midnight already? [Monty] Time to play! [Freddy] Hey, I heard they hired a new...Learn MoremiscCURSED WOLF[Lyric] The Apology Song (CURSED WOLF)
Lobo I am humble, for tonight I understand, Your royal blood was never meant to decorate this dirt You've suffered great injustice So have thousands before you I offer an apology, and one long over due I am sorry, lobo, I am sorry Hear my song, I know I sing the truth Although we were bred to fight I reach for kindness in your heart tonight, and if...Learn MoremiscCURSED WOLF