Artist: Danny Abosch, John Maclay
Lyrics of Artist: Danny Abosch, John Maclay
  1. [Lyric] The Performance (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    (The performance begins. BROOKE enters as Esmerelda. Esmerelda's father warns her to be careful, for there is a terrible Phantom who haunts this theater. Esmerelda does not believe him, suspecting that he is only trying to scare and control her Offstage, MS. WALKER watches with pride as her great-grandmother's dream is finally realized, 73 years...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  2. [Lyric] The Trapdoor (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [BRIAN] So… you guys want me to stay here and stand guard? [BROOKE] (installing the lever) We're all going down. See what we can find that might clear Zeke [ZEKE] C'mon, Brian [BRIAN] I don't know about this. I'm not sure I'm comfortable— [BROOKE] Hey… come on—for me? I mean us. For us [BRIAN] Ok. For you. (steps onto...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  3. [Lyric] Is Somebody Down There? (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [BROOKE] (sensing something strange) Um… [TINA] "Is somebody down there?" That's your line [BROOKE] I know. It's just… (THE PHANTOM appears above the stage.) [BROOKE] (to THE PHANTOM) How did you do that? [MS. WALKER] That's very close, Brooke. But the line is: "Is somebody down there?" [TINA] That wasn't close at all [BROOKE] (to THE...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  4. [Lyric] One Last Goal (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    (Places. BROOKE and TINA exit. ZEKE enters the backstage area in costume. THE PHANTOM, in an identical costume, enters unseen, grabs ZEKE, and drags him offstage.)...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  5. [Lyric] Watch Your Step (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [EMILE] What are you doing messing around with that platform? [BROOKE] Ms. Walker showed it to us earlier— [EMILE] And did Ms. Walker tell you how dangerous it is? You didn't go down there, did you? [BROOKE] Yes! [ZEKE] No! [BOTH] Maybe? [EMILE] You went down there? What did you see? [BROOKE] Nothing, really. It was too dark. What is that...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  6. [Lyric] The Story of The Phantom (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [BROOKE] (to ZEKE) Ok. Put on your listening ears for five minutes. Got them on? Good. Now just listen (We see the story play out upstage as BROOKE begins to tell it.) [BROOKE] Long ago, there lived a man His name was Carlo, and he ran An ancient theater where his daughter was the star With me? [ZEKE] Karla's the star, yeah [BROOKE] No! His...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  7. [Lyric] My Story (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [THE PHANTOM (to BROOKE, as Esmerelda)] My story is a sad one Tragic, one might say It begins long ago, when I, like you Was cast in a scary play The play was to be on this very stage I was to lead a first-rate cast It should have been the best night of my life! Instead, it would be the last! For my trapdoor was left ajar And in the dark, I...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  8. [Lyric] Stay Away (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    (A single spotlight appears upstage, above the actors. THE PHANTOM is there.) [THE PHANTOM] (in an ominous, altered voice) Stay away from my home sweet home! Stay away from my home sweet home! (MS. WALKER screams and runs out. The students follow suit. Blackout.)...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  9. [Lyric] Whodunit? (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [MS. WALKER] Zeke Matthews! This time you've gone too far [ZEKE] I didn't do it. I don't know how that got there. I swear! [PRINCIPAL STINE] Well if you didn't do it, who did? And how did this paint can get into your locker? [ZEKE] Why not ask Tina? She's the one who has access to the paint. Or Emile! He's probably got keys to everything! [MS....Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  10. [Lyric] Goosebumps Reprise (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [BROOKE] Do you seek out the spark Of danger in the dark When shadows, cold and stark, are all around you? [ZEKE] Do you thrive on the thrill Of shrieks so loud and shrill As twists and turns and chilling scares astound you? [MS. WALKER] Do you crave tales of creatures That recoil from the light? [ALL] Then follow if you dare But all who do,...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  11. [Lyric] The Legend (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [MS. WALKER] The legend begins at this very school Four score minus seven years ago Legend has it that there once was a boy Who found a script in the basement below The play was called "The Phantom". It was the scariest of shows Is that how it started? No one knows But that's how the legend goes [TINA] Legend has it the boy showed his teacher And...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay
  12. [Lyric] A Super Scary Play (Danny Abosch, John Maclay)

    [BROOKE] On a fall day this year, Ms. Walker, our esteemed drama teacher, announced there would be auditions for the Woods Mill Middle School fall show. And that it would be quite different than last year's production of Guys and Dolls… though equally excellent [MS. WALKER] This year's show will be… scary [BROOKE] And though no one had actually...Learn More
    popDanny Abosch, John Maclay