Artist: Darkthrone
Lyrics of Artist: Darkthrone
Lyrics of Artist: Darkthrone
[Lyric] Rust (Darkthrone)
I come from a land Of systematic erasure of optimism and positiveness You don't want to encourage me Slowly corroding your fortified norm Leaving you bitter, grim and sober With rigid cramp or silent fear I strangle what you do hold dear With rigid cramp or silent fear Evoking addiction, limp, severe It's sin again Like charcoal on flaming...Learn MorerockDarkthrone[Lyric] His Masters Voice (Darkthrone)
[Verse 1] Only in sleep, some relief could be found Ninth circle bound Gorgeous radioactive structures Heaving with their dormant pulse [Chorus] Tied to the mast With his master's voice This will never last Hearing his master's voice [Verse 2] Cling to collapsing towers Death flashes before your eyes Reel at what could have been Lost lives drain...Learn MorerockDarkthrone[Lyric] Voyage to a North Pole Adrift (Darkthrone)
[Verse 1] The magnetic north pole adrift Melting clusters like morning dew Guardians prevent your trespass Map out the broken moral compass [Chorus] Voyage to a north pole adrift Covered in fallen leaves Voyage to a north pole adrift Suppertime on the farm of life [Verse 2] Stagger through life Bones of ice Struggle to reclaim On fields against...Learn MorerockDarkthrone[Lyric] Lost Arcane City of Uppakra (Darkthrone)
[Verse 1] Mystic appearance of a town that was never mentioned Unveiling the lost from the shrouds of the iron age Significant might, a thundering haven for heathens A cryptic array of opinions from ancient Sweden [Chorus] Uppåkra, desecrated by slaves of Kristi Uppåkra, from long before the curse of Christ [Chorus] Uppåkra, desecrated by slaves...Learn MorerockDarkthrone[Lyric] Wake of the Awakened (Darkthrone)
[Verse] Yearning ghosts in flight And then it dawns on you Out there in the night Towards the room which is not lit [Chorus] Decapitate sympathy Cannot muster the outreach Deny the helping hands Wake of the awakened Deny the helping hands Wake of the awakened Lifetime of thoughts Build layers of walls around you Lesser and lesser In common with...Learn MorerockDarkthrone[Lyric] Hate Cloak (Darkthrone)
[Verse 1] The moon and stars were the gifts he hid And wonderous benefits of golden dawns Cornucopias of lingering spring showers All this in the trench coat of Mariana [Chorus] The fabric lies torn Hate cloak Secrets hide in the linen Of the hate cloak [Verse 2] Peering from beneath the layers Fantasize your ghost Invoke the drastic...Learn MorerockDarkthrone