Artist: Dawnbreaker
Lyrics of Artist: Dawnbreaker
  1. [Lyric] Man of War (Dawnbreaker)

    The LORD is a man of war The LORD is his name! He is my strength and song And my salvation He is my God and I'll prepare Him an habitation Many preach solely on morality And cower from truth: our faith's harsh realities God's wrath is scorching, His plagues severe Christianity is war! In the spiritual fierce battle is waged Will you align with...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Bridge Between Worlds (Dawnbreaker)

    A man once crossed the gulf between human and divine Because he was fully God and fully man And he offers humanity a medium to our creator He opened a direct portal to God (Chorus) I will eat his flesh and I will heal primordial wounds! I will drink his blood and I will cross the bridge between worlds! He is the image of the invisible God The...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] The Dark Tower (Dawnbreaker)

    And they said, go to, let us build A tower, whose top may reach unto heaven And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered Abroad upon the face of the whole earth The Lord saw their downfall An infinite arrogance And so he confused the tongues And sent them scattered And still they try to become God Globalising as one to need him not As they...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] A Martyrs Glory (Dawnbreaker)

    I will give my life to destroy this horrible plague I'll resist the evil one in intense sufferings Yet if the Lord blesses me with agonies I shall bask in the glory of torturous trial (chorus) I want nothing more than to suffer and die For the Glory of God And my Lord Jesus Christ And I hope to burn as a sweet sacrifice For my blood to be...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Yours is the Night (Dawnbreaker)

    Why, God, have you cast us off forever? Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture? Remember your people, whom you acquired of old The tribe you redeemed as your own heritage Mount Zion where you dwell Direct your steps toward the utter destruction Everything the enemy laid waste in the sanctuary Your foes roared triumphantly in the...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Torment of Anti-Christian Souls (Dawnbreaker)

    The smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever And they have no rest, day or night (Prechorus) Don't believe the lies of your cruel material masters You and I have more hope of salvation than anyone (Chorus) I see your hate for the world Don't you know we have this in common? Join us, share in our persecutions And why live a whole life of...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] The Virtuous Quest (Dawnbreaker)

    I am a hunter of plagues and death In prayer I destroy legions of the evil one A host of angels fights beside me in battle I'm defended by the LORD of heavenly armies I shall free the tortured slaves of hell! (Chorus) Oh evil, what have I to fear? For Death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is thy sting? Oh death where is thy...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Evils Bane (Dawnbreaker)

    In the name of Christ And by the order of his vicar These monsters will be driven This plague of darkness will cease I pledge my life to the church And give my soul to the LORD To wage total warfare in the spiritual And fight his enemies to my death - and beyond! (Pre Chorus) My blade is the wrath of God The bane of unholy ones The breaker of...Learn More