Artist: Diane Hine
Lyrics of Artist: Diane Hine
  1. [Lyric] Four Score and Ten (Diane Hine)

    Though long in tooth and slack of jaw A dear old bird with craw and claw Your inner beauty owns no flaw So have good cheer, I sooth implore Be merry, full of cake in maw And suck ye cider through a straw...Learn More
    miscDiane Hine
  2. [Lyric] Frame (Diane Hine)

    FRAME Bleached white and black ash, slight, multi-stemmed skeletons. Stark, sere symmetry. Cradled between burnt hills the sea is a silver chalice. PULL The passing moon leaves a single dropp of water sleeping, but awakens and animates an ocean of linked drops. The waves claw for purchase and their wet shadows cling to clinging...Learn More
    miscDiane Hine