Artist: Dinosaur Feathers
Lyrics of Artist: Dinosaur Feathers
Lyrics of Artist: Dinosaur Feathers
[Lyric] Certain Times (Dinosaur Feathers)
I’m leaving the city I’m skipping this town If I don't put down my roots then they can never be torn from the ground But in these certain times It’s good to know there is something that is mine Cause I don’t have a place to call my own And I don’t see a way to find one I make so many plans that fall behind Well I guess it’s a sign of these...Learn MorerockDinosaur Feathers[Lyric] Young Bucks (Dinosaur Feathers)
Well I can’t be with you I’ll only let you down You’re gonna’ find in the nick of time I’m never gonna’ sign on the dotted line And you’ve seen my best now And you know what I can do If you can’t sow the seeds by now You’re never gonna’ harvest ‘em anyhow And you dream as a liar But I dream in the truth In between there’s nothing we can do (do do...Learn MorerockDinosaur Feathers[Lyric] SURPRISE (Dinosaur Feathers)
A broom a heart a plan A feeling things will never be okay If they were It still felt like they had all been done before I have the time if I had a hunger for your taste and then your touch But I know you never cared that much That I would fall in love with you And when you lust the day is through I want to hold and kiss your hand Would you just...Learn MorerockDinosaur Feathers