Artist: Disturbances (The Movie)
Lyrics of Artist: Disturbances (The Movie)
  1. [Lyric] Oh no not again… (Disturbances (The Movie))

    [Intro] Oh no, not again… [Verse 1] Oh no, not again Stuck in trouble with my friends Guess I’ll have to stop my plans Going back to where it all began [Chorus] Can't believe this is happening This is all going rapidly Oh no, not again Oh no, not again [Verse 2] Oh no, not again I can already feel the cold of the court This time no cruise, and...Learn More
    popDisturbances (The Movie)
  2. [Lyric] Disturbances (Disturbances (The Movie))

    [Chorus] Disturbances (oh) It makes me want to go (oh) Somewhere else where people aren't fucking idiots (oh) Disturbances makes me want to kill myself Melon (shut up) Derpy (wtf) Ezzo (UMM ANYWAYS) [Verse 1] I’m just looking out the window and there's shit outside Derpy would love this surprise (yeah) Shit baby, that's his name Shitting himself...Learn More
    popDisturbances (The Movie)