Artist: Dom Butcher
Lyrics of Artist: Dom Butcher
Lyrics of Artist: Dom Butcher
[Lyric] Taste The Water (Dom Butcher)
[Verse 1] I was walking in this desert for so long I was wandering through the wasteland All alone When the heat was close to burning But you kept me alive You led me to a new oasis And out the other side [Chorus] Oo-oo, I can taste the water Oo-oo, you refresh you restore us You're surrounding with a fountain that won't run dry Oo-oo, I can taste...Learn MorepopDom Butcher[Lyric] Horizon (Dom Butcher)
[Verse 1] I turned to face the dawning sky Felt the east wind blow And a gentle touch of an early light And there I fell in love [Verse 2] From springtime to the winter dew I heard the voice Of the One that all creation knew And I began to see [Chorus] Though I’m tired, I see the light Upon your face I fix my eyes And when I fall, I say I’d...Learn MorepopDom Butcher[Lyric] Trusting In You (Dom Butcher)
[Verse 1] My father, the great provider You are I was far off, you gave me your heart A lifeline so I could hold on [Verse 2] My God, Jehovah Jireh Come be The one who makes roads in the sea The maker of all that I need [Chorus] You can move mountains And seas that surround them When I don’t understand I’m trusting in You With hands lifted...Learn MorepopDom Butcher[Lyric] Beloved (Dom Butcher)
[Verse 1] Still my soul For he calls you beloved Quiet my soul Hear the song that he sings Lose the fear that you know Receive the love he is giving Know the comfort that he brings [Chorus] If forever your love song was washing over me From now in this moment to all eternity There is nothing I could say And nothing more that I could I do But sing...Learn MorepopDom Butcher[Lyric] Lazarus Moment (Dom Butcher)
[Verse 1] When my tears fall Do they fall on your feet Am I trusting you catch them Am I here on my knees When I cry out Do I believe that you hear Do I sit in the sorrow And still know that you’re near [Chorus] I don’t need to you make a way When you already did I don’t need to you bear the pain Cos I know that you will I don’t need to you calm...Learn MorepopDom Butcher