Artist: Dot Legacy
Lyrics of Artist: Dot Legacy
  1. [Lyric] Horizon (Dot Legacy)

    [Intro] Come on to the darkness Feel my tide You long to witness The cool, cool ride On the deepest horizon Come on to the darkness Feel my tide You long to whisper The cool, cool ride On the deepest Horizon [Verse 1] I'm so fine, she’s in my mind and She will learn to bow her tie and She will learn I'm diving in Pause closing visor crucified...Learn More
    rockDot Legacy
  2. [Lyric] Dakota (Dot Legacy)

    [Verse 1] I'm from that hill in Dakota He's from that hill The Rocky Racoon She knows my face in the shower She knows his face The Rocky Racoon I'm from black hills in Dakota He's from black hills The Rocky Racoon She knows my place on the sofa The Rocky Racoon [Verse 2] I'm from black hills in Dakota He's from black hills The Rocky Racoon Lil,...Learn More
    rockDot Legacy