Artist: Dremmz
Lyrics of Artist: Dremmz
  1. [Lyric] PRICELESS (Dremmz)

    [Intro: Kanye West, Dremmz] "I'm not gonna sit inside of a corporation for twenty years The time is now The time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves The time is now for it to be okay to be great People in this world shun people for being great, for being a bright color, for standing out But the time is now for it to be okay to...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] STARDUST (Dremmz)

    [Intro: Dremmz] He's alive again He's alive again [Chorus: Dremmz] Gratorius... Gratorius... Gratorius... Is alive again... Gratorius Gratorius He is alive again He's alive again He is alive again He is alive again [Outro: NASA] Nice to be in orbit...Learn More