Artist: E.C.
Lyrics of Artist: E.C.
  1. [Lyric] My heart is like a ship on Neptunes back (E.C.)

    My heart is like a ship on Neptune's back; Thy beauty is the sea where my ship saileth; Thy frowns the surges are that threat my wrack, Thy smiles the winds that on my sails soft galeth. Long tossed betwixt fair hope and foul despair, My sea-sick heart, arrivéd on thy shore-- Thy love, I mean--begs that he may repair His broken vessel with thy...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Within her hair Venus and Cupid sport them (E.C.)

    Within her hair Venus and Cupid sport them; Some time they twist it, amber-like, in gold, To which the whistling winds do oft resort them, As if they strove to have the knots unrolled; Some time they let their golden tresses dangle, And therewith nets and amorous gins they make Wherewith the hearts of lovers to entangle, Which once enthralled, no...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] I am enchanted with thy snow-white hands (E.C.)

    I am enchanted with thy snow-white hands That maze me with their quaint dexterity, And with their touch tie in a thousand bands My yielding heart ever to honor thee; Thought of thy dainty fingers long and small, For pretty action that exceed compare, Sufficient is to bless me, and withal To free my chainéd thoughts from sorrow's snare. But that...Learn More