Artist: Epic Octoling misc shits
Lyrics of Artist: Epic Octoling misc shits
  1. [Lyric] Stroke (Epic Octoling misc shits)

    ghdnlksdkjfuheoisdjkfhsdjfsjidkflnkdsfjkndjskfnueiodkls sasdaskduihadfufufufufuufffffufufufuuffffufuuufufufufufufffuuffffuffuuffhdgjdfjgrhsuof And that is how you properly have a stroke (online, not a real stroke)....Learn More
    miscEpic Octoling misc shits
  2. [Lyric] About placeholders (Epic Octoling misc shits)

    Placeholder text is the label for possible content in a text box. It can normally be found when there are prompts to fill out a form. It's the hint that tells you 'Last name' or the format with which to enter your birthdate or phone number. Placeholder text typically exists as a hint to fill in actual text. But for me, placeholders are blocks of...Learn More
    miscEpic Octoling misc shits