Artist: Evan Rogotzke
Lyrics of Artist: Evan Rogotzke
  1. [Lyric] Wait For You (Evan Rogotzke)

    [Verse 1] If you my God kept all my sin Then who could ever stand against Yet your full forgiveness meets my cries For you're the God of death to life [Chorus] So I will wait for you Oh I will wait for you Breath of God make me anew Oh I will wait for you [Verse 2] Oh when I feel I'm not enough Lord all you are is all I want You will not forget...Learn More
    miscEvan Rogotzke
  2. [Lyric] Where I Stand (Evan Rogotzke)

    [Verse 1] As rain came pouring down The river flooded As winds blew on this house It started crumbling It was built on sinking sand I watched as everything I ever had Just disappeared Like it was nothing {Pre-Chorus} So take it all Take it all Everything I have is yours All I am I understand That my life is built on you {Chorus] My Rock My...Learn More
    miscEvan Rogotzke
  3. [Lyric] Worth It All (Evan Rogotzke)

    [Verse 1] Whatever it cost me You're worth it all I'm willing to give up my pride What more could I bring Than a song for a King But all that you want is my heart {Pre-Chorus] With all my heart I will sing [Chorus] You are over everything You are over everything Oh Jesus Jesus Jesus You're worth it all You're worth it all [Verse 2] Wherever you...Learn More
    miscEvan Rogotzke
  4. [Lyric] Promises (Evan Rogotzke)

    [Verse 1] The more I look I see you in every moment From the breaking of dawn To the setting sun I hear your whispers Calling me by name Open my heart now Lord To every word you say [Pre-Chorus] And we lift your name on high for all to see Hallelujah you have won the victory [Chorus] You are my God I'll forever praise your name Over and over...Learn More
    miscEvan Rogotzke