Artist: Fellwalker
Lyrics of Artist: Fellwalker
Lyrics of Artist: Fellwalker
[Lyric] Heaven Hell all over again (Fellwalker)
[VERSE] Drive, drive your car over the bones of the dead You’re only doing what they did You’re just the same as them Taking up space like them, staying safe like them But you’re above ground instead You’re a busy bee, you have no time for sorrow You’re busy watching the unraveling of everything The roaring of lions The howling of wolves The raging...Learn MorerockFellwalker[Lyric] Here Now (Fellwalker)
[VERSE] The past is always imperfect The future is always conditional The manifest destiny of emptiness Nothingness, lovely in its quietness Lonely in its silence The end of the world as we know it And I could spend some Time alone Everything running out Until we find Until we find The present is always [Chorus] Here and now It’s...Learn MorerockFellwalker[Lyric] Time Moves (Fellwalker)
[VERSE] Some genie out of Some bottle somewhere is saying "This is what I thought you asked for" And some genie somewhere else Is saying "It doesn't work like that It's not commensurate with [Chorus] Anything you've ever said or done Anyone says it is, you tell 'em I said that they're in a fairy tale You may as well say that somebody...Learn MorerockFellwalker[Lyric] By the Ocean (Fellwalker)
[VERSE] Do you remember when We used to live in Philadelphia And we went walking one evening Through the Italian Market To find a cup of coffee And all the cafés were already shut But we saw a cat in a window Sitting on a pedestal draped in velveteen As if he were on display in a museum And I said When I get older If I get older I want to live by...Learn MorerockFellwalker