Artist: Golyaswe
Lyrics of Artist: Golyaswe
Lyrics of Artist: Golyaswe
[Lyric] Need to Sleep (Golyaswe)
I grab this glass by the handle Talk too fast and start to scramble for my Change for my every day coin For my all time lows for my friends and for my foes Nothing is emerging yet Just the darkest sillhouette For what you need I have plenty I just don’t know how to get it for you Oh where you hiding lullabies Sing me a song I need to sleep, ...Learn MorepopGolyaswe[Lyric] Ego (Golyaswe)
You put your fingers up and bang bang am I dead? The biggest hole in my heart was there before we met When you’re done breaking me I’d get back what is left And you promise me you won’t forget But I always know you do Your thing I can’t parttake Stand aside and just wait You think I can’t see your mistakes but I do You’d think I’d have much to...Learn MorepopGolyaswe