Artist: Great Cold Emptiness
Lyrics of Artist: Great Cold Emptiness
  1. [Lyric] The Erotic Waltz (Great Cold Emptiness)

    [Verse 1] The Elkmother speaks to me And tells me many things Of those without faith Of the soul searching and the destitute Those left scathing in the scuttles of time [Verse 2] Born of the heavens yet made to wander here On this infernal plains of Abraham Sitting alone by the fire, a nymph came to me And spoke of her ancestors with a poisoned...Learn More
    rockGreat Cold Emptiness
  2. [Lyric] The Little Deer (Great Cold Emptiness)

    [Verse 1] A dying fawn laughs And a new night comes To each their own, but I Was led by the fleeting bliss of youth A hearth lay empty Cold and flickering Waiting for a traveler to gather it Up into his arms [Verse 2] The flight of those once made sacred A waste of futile existence Why tend to the flock if they all die anyways? [Verse 3] From the...Learn More
    rockGreat Cold Emptiness
  3. [Lyric] The Withering Pyre (Great Cold Emptiness)

    [Verse 1] An October night howls and a cabin lay empty For the cold hands grasped her Not unlike a drafty attic in December Or a moth stuck in a cedar wardrobe [Verse 2] Born from the black cube of Andromeda I have been given stigmata from Orion The great bear of the cosmos follows me As he searches for the lost twins of time [Verse 3] In my...Learn More
    rockGreat Cold Emptiness
  4. [Lyric] The Breadmakers Daughter (Great Cold Emptiness)

    [Verse 1] A dark wind blows A woman gathers her clothes before the coming storm Her curtains dance [Verse 2] She shouts her husband's name To a plaguelike sky Thunder rolls on by [Verse 3] Her daughter rests by the shoreline A sun waits behind an iron armada His gentle kiss blows away from her [Verse 4] When she sleeps, her mother curses the...Learn More
    rockGreat Cold Emptiness