Artist: Grtfrdig
Lyrics of Artist: Grtfrdig
  1. [Lyric] Innan Allting Tar Slut (Grtfrdig)

    Moderna tankar om varandra och Du liknar ingen annan Antika löften som Vi blandar tills Vi båda slutat andas luften omkring Är Du lycklig nu? Är Du lycklig nu? Är Du lycklig nu? Har Vi tid innan allting tar slut? Äntligen har Jag hittat orden And Jag hittar Dina händer under bordet Vi hinner bli något stort än Växa några meter innan sommaren blir...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Sorrow of Disillusion (Grtfrdig)

    This cold, dry air feels like nails burning my lungs when I breathe There is a horrible stench in the night And the dull humming of power lines Drown out the sorrows of disillusionment Wandering in these quiet streets Upon the hill of suburban decadence A visual reminder of how putrid this existence can be Here only the taunting dreams...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Saturnine Nights (Grtfrdig)

    Autumn is fading into the cold pall of winter A soft breeze carries the trail of brittle leaves through the gutters A dull sigh of indifference as the city starts to fall asleep Stumbling home with a lingering weight in my chest Exhausted by empty distractions Trying to find where I lost my sense of being The distant drone of passing cars And neon...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] A Lingering Silence (Grtfrdig)

    Why do I linger in your silence? I have let the light of living fade With the rotting remains of hope and regret And still I am alone in this wasteful life Digging through the dust to find what I let wither with neglect I am looking for what was once there I swear I’ve seen it before, but I have forgotten how time works I kept telling myself I...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] This Isnt Living (Grtfrdig)

    It’s quiet again tonight My room reeks of wine; Languid from the oppressive summer heat Isolating myself from this dirty city Mislaying my vigor in an alcoholic stupor This isn't living This lightness is all we have And I’ve done nothing but waste each night In my room with the company of a bottle Glimpsing into the lives of people I don't even...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] To Wash Away A Human Stain (Grtfrdig)

    I’ve wasted my entire youth numbing myself Night after night, I’m losing sight through my tears Drowning my words in the back of my throat Swallowing every chance of rejection And now I sit in this silent home wondering where my life went Forgiveness is not going to bring back my wasted youth Or failed chances I stare out of the window But cannot...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Concrete Remembrance (Grtfrdig)

    In an unfamiliar place, sorrow clutches at my throat But I pay it no mind Drinking to numb its grasp Stumbling drunk in a city that was once ours but never my own We laughed in those streets We wandered carelessly through the cold Dark alleyways and for a moment It felt that entropy had released us from its cruel indifferent burden That laid upon...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Nenuphar Necropolis (Grtfrdig)

    It’s been years since I first lost my way in the fog It lingers in my mind, condensating into the night; Breaking the surface of the tarn Dawn is crawling towards me Spreading its deep blue reflection across the water A breeze carries a vague scent of blossom And I remember why I’m here I’ve been told not to listen to the voices in the water But I...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] Goodbye Innocence (Grtfrdig)

    I am left alone Lost in this pitiful gutter of a world for one more night I feel this sickening gloom spread inside my body Could it be so hard to leave this life behind for good? This wound festers inside of me It makes me who I am And it’s not what I want to be This warmth that was once in my being This hopeful light is now leaving me I dig into...Learn More