Artist: H
Lyrics of Artist: H
  1. [Lyric] I (H)

    Feel it down through the spine Watch the gods plays havoc with your mind Then light up in the palm of your hand Oh come in from the cold See the mundane to the magical unfold Right there, right where you stand As one by one every broken parts replaced See how it works like a charm And puts your heart right back in place Dig way down thru this...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Cle´ (H)

    Conjure up the wildest storm The razor sharp knife pierce the dawn Come tumbling out with eyes ablaze Cuz there's nothing to be scared of All this life , we stand as one Hold on tight to the good In the cold dawn light of day Watch it come and disappear In a hail of light Battle skies rage and roar As the clash of drums pound the shore I stand...Learn More