Artist: Haemorrhage
Lyrics of Artist: Haemorrhage
  1. [Lyric] Artifacts Of The Autopsy (Haemorrhage)

    Puncturing the abdomen blackened by necrosis Dislocating rigid limbs after rigor mortis Gases leak out from swollen entrails Death bacterias feast on decay Accidents in the autopsy process Postmortem consequence of a rough dissection Lacerations in the scalp - Cut marks in the cranium By forensic tools made of steel and titanium Blunt force trauma...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Intravenous Molestation Of The Obstructionist Arteries O-Pus Vii (Haemorrhage)

    Aorta is blocked Pulse absence Clogged arteries Heart attack Necrosed veins Bursting Vessels Intravenous – Subit stroke Intravenous – Deadly bloodclots...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] The Cremators Song (Haemorrhage)

    Corpses, Corpses, Corpses Burning down the Corpses, Corpses, Corpses Set on fire Foul smell of cremation Comes from the funeral home You can breathe the smoke Of scorched flesh and bones Fueling the furnace with bodies of the dead My mind is mesmerized gazing into these flames Consuming coffins and decayed human remains Don't ask me where I...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Medical Maniacs (Haemorrhage)

    Maiming patients, abusing the dead Clinical slaughter in the name of health Shredding guts Sawing limbs Drenched in blood Medical Maniacs Cracking bones Purging fluids Jabbing veins Medical Maniacs Naked, groped, sliced, anesthetized Upon a table your organs are exhibited Shredding guts Sawing limbs Extracting bowels Medical Maniacs Cracking...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Prosectors Revenge (Haemorrhage)

    Cadavers I select with random criterion Taking them from the morgue to the autopsy table ...enslaved to dissect what they say Washed away and prepared for the demonstration Dissecting under command of arrogant professors ...enslaved to dissect ...Cut the crap! Formaldehyde smell disturbing my brain Surrounded by corpses I spent my...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] C.S.C. Crime Scene Cleaners (Haemorrhage)

    Clean the gore! Cold remnants of a murder Vestiges of suicide Pieces from crippled corpses Blood splattered on the walls ...On the floor bile and vomits ...Severed legs and limbless bodies Armed with brooms and sponges We enter the scene of a crime Picking up shredded organs Limbs put in plastic bodybags ...Chopped entrails - flesh...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Miss Phlebotomy (Haemorrhage)

    Gruesome benefits of hospitalization Cruel venipuncture as a morbid obssession Iron overload poisoning my veins Haematochromatosis Drastic remedy for polycythemia Trained to exsanguinate on medical criteria Sadistic devices and syringes displayed She enters the infirmary To pierce...drill...jab... Push in the syringe Pierce...drill...jab... Inside...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Gore Gourmet (Haemorrhage)

    Roasted severed legs with sauce or rotting entrails Sour taste of gangrene and pus secretions Vicious archetype of consumism Devour until you vomit Sickening necrophagous gluttony to feed on death Fried anal cysts is our special dish served on a plate with boiled embryos Vicious archetype of consumism Devour until you vomit Sickening necrophagous...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] Bathed In Bile (Haemorrhage)

    Necrosed Illeum - festered insides Mesothelium split and flayed Gastrorrhexis - bleeding insides Your innards ain't the paradise Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements Drunk on pus - gorged on faeculence Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements Bathed in bile.... Macerated in rancid gall Gastric juices as larvicide Extreme conditions to survive The...Learn More
  10. [Lyric] Organ Trader (Haemorrhage)

    Human hunt in the night - my secret job Kidnapping to extirpate - suburbs I prowl Insalubrious surgery is fastly performed excise the kydneys Opening the abdomen to disembowel Ransacking the viscera - offals I rob Once I got my gory loot slice wounds are sewn ...suturing stiches Organ trader Morbid Organ trader Organ trader Morbid Organ...Learn More