Artist: Happydieyoung
Lyrics of Artist: Happydieyoung
Lyrics of Artist: Happydieyoung
[Lyric] The Matador and Bull at the Ball (Happydieyoung)
You're driving me mad when I should be sad Aiming your words for my beating, pumping tape machine Like the matador and bull at the ball Like the matador and bull at the ball Bullshit hits bullseye, the beast pushes back Armed with your secrets I know just where to hit you Like the matador and bull at the ball Like the matador and bull at the...Learn MorepopHappydieyoung[Lyric] Hell is not so bad when your friends are there (Happydieyoung)
You Think that it’s over But you’ve Only begun You got So much to live for Let me Show you the stars You Think you’re alone now But i’m just a Phone call away I will Tell you the darkest joke I know And we’ll Laugh at how lost we have become When You can’t get out of bed We’ll watch Lord of the rings, 1, 2 and 3 When it Feels so important to be...Learn MorepopHappydieyoung