Artist: Horatio Alger
Lyrics of Artist: Horatio Alger
  1. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 4: DICKS NEW SUIT (Horatio Alger)

    "Now," said Mr. Whitney to Dick, "my nephew here is on his way to a boarding-school. He has a suit of clothes in his trunk about half worn. He is willing to give them to you. I think they will look better than those you have on." Dick was so astonished that he hardly knew what to say. Presents were something that he knew very little about, never...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  2. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 10: INTRODUCES A VICTIM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE (Horatio Alger)

    "What a queer chap you are, Dick!" said Frank, laughing. "You always seem to be in good spirits." "No, I ain't always. Sometimes I have the blues." "When?" "Well, once last winter it was awful cold, and there was big holes in my shoes, and my gloves and all my warm clothes was at the tailor's. I felt as if life was sort of tough, and I'd like it...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  3. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 2: JOHNNY NOLAN (Horatio Alger)

    After Dick had finished polishing Mr. Greyson's boots he was fortunate enough to secure three other customers, two of them reporters in the Tribune establishment, which occupies the corner of Spruce Street and Printing House Square. When Dick had got through with his last customer the City Hall clock indicated eight o'clock. He had been up an...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  4. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 22: TRACKING THE THIEF (Horatio Alger)

    Fosdick was right in supposing that Jim Travis had stolen the bank-book. He was also right in supposing that that worthy young man had come to the knowledge of Dick's savings by what he had accidentally overheard. Now, Travis, like a very large number of young men of his class, was able to dispose of a larger amount of money than he was able to...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  5. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 19: FOSDICK CHANGES HIS BUSINESS (Horatio Alger)

    Fosdick did not venture to wear his new clothes while engaged in his business. This he felt would have been wasteful extravagance. About ten o'clock in the morning, when business slackened, he went home, and dressing himself went to a hotel where he could see copies of the "Morning Herald" and "Sun," and, noting down the places where a boy was...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  6. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 18: MICKY MAGUIRES SECOND DEFEAT (Horatio Alger)

    Dick was no coward. Nor was he in the habit of submitting passively to an insult. When, therefore, he recognized Micky as his assailant, he instantly turned and gave chase. Micky anticipated pursuit, and ran at his utmost speed. It is doubtful if Dick would have overtaken him, but Micky had the ill luck to trip just as he had entered a narrow...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  7. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 3: DICK MAKES A PROPOSITION (Horatio Alger)

    Though Dick was somewhat startled at discovering that the bill he had offered was counterfeit, he stood his ground bravely. "Clear out of this shop, you young vagabond," repeated the clerk. "Then give me back my bill." "That you may pass it again? No, sir, I shall do no such thing." "It doesn't belong to me," said Dick. "A gentleman that owes...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  8. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 9: A SCENE IN A THIRD AVENUE CAR (Horatio Alger)

    The boys had turned into Third Avenue, a long street, which, commencing just below the Cooper Institute, runs out to Harlem. A man came out of a side street, uttering at intervals a monotonous cry which sounded like "glass puddin'." "Glass pudding!" repeated Frank, looking in surprised wonder at Dick. "What does he mean?" "Perhaps you'd like...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  9. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 13: MICKY MAGUIRE (Horatio Alger)

    About nine o'clock Dick sought his new lodgings. In his hands he carried his professional wardrobe, namely, the clothes which he had worn at the commencement of the day, and the implements of his business. These he stowed away in the bureau drawers, and by the light of a flickering candle took off his clothes and went to bed. Dick had a good...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  10. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 21: DICK LOSES HIS BANK-BOOK (Horatio Alger)

    It was hinted at the close of the last chapter that Dick was destined to be disagreeably surprised on reaching home. Having agreed to give further assistance to Tom Wilkins, he was naturally led to go to the drawer where he and Fosdick kept their bank-books. To his surprise and uneasiness _the drawer proved to be empty!_ "Come here a minute,...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  11. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 24: DICK RECEIVES A LETTER (Horatio Alger)

    It was about a week after Dick's recovery of his bank-book, that Fosdick brought home with him in the evening a copy of the "Daily Sun." "Would you like to see your name in print, Dick?" he asked. "Yes," said Dick, who was busy at the wash-stand, endeavoring to efface the marks which his day's work had left upon his hands. "They haven't put me up...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger
  12. [Lyric] Ragged Dick Chapter 7: THE POCKET-BOOK (Horatio Alger)

    They had reached the junction of Broadway and of Fifth Avenue. Before them was a beautiful park of ten acres. On the left-hand side was a large marble building, presenting a fine appearance with its extensive white front. This was the building at which Dick pointed. "Is that the Fifth Avenue Hotel?" asked Frank. "I've heard of it often. My Uncle...Learn More
    miscHoratio Alger