Artist: House Parties
Lyrics of Artist: House Parties
  1. [Lyric] Tiny Rooms (House Parties)

    [Verse 1] You're truly good at putting me down If I was someone else would you be proud I'm pushing and pulling for my serotonin But nothing seems to be connected Stuck in a tiny room with you Only to see a narrow point of view I'm tired of picking fights with no ending Just to say, that I was the wrong one [Chorus] Rage, flares brighter than...Learn More
    rockHouse Parties
  2. [Lyric] Collateral (House Parties)

    [Intro] Over the same line (Peak clarity I promised) Habits I can't fight (Brick walls to stack these convictions) [Verse 1] A full circle moment you laid with me The bitter taste of regret Pulling out my teeth just for the hell of it Small talk, so heavy hearted Inches, of tyranny bloomed right past in front of me in a landslide I'm constantly...Learn More
    rockHouse Parties
  3. [Lyric] Makes Sense Feat. Aaron Hailey (House Parties)

    [Verse] Morals like a broken chain Cheap metal built for two It's pitching me forward I can't sustain all of your hardships Don't leave me without leverage A smokescreen out of trust There's no such thing as oxygen Cause you pull it from the room [Chorus] A tough pill to swallow, isn't it? Watch your spine, I'll crush it in Good riddance to your...Learn More
    rockHouse Parties