Artist: Human Kitten
Lyrics of Artist: Human Kitten
  1. [Lyric] Zerotonin (Human Kitten)

    Lying is violence and you're on the front lines Believing whats convenient every single fucking time I shouldn't have to suffer cause you're inclined to decline Any reality that's not clearly defined If you don't communicate your needs You're just a book that no one reads Demanding a synopsis from the people that you know That couldn't help but...Learn More
    popHuman Kitten
  2. [Lyric] Im Sorry (Human Kitten)

    Change the things you hate or change the way you feel Complaining is fucking worthless But I totally understand the appeal Every small trace of sexism in me is the direct result of insecurity I’m trying to be better, trying to understand the plight of others and the scars on their hands But I know I’ll never be good enough for you Yes, I know I’ll...Learn More
    popHuman Kitten