Artist: Human Kitten
Lyrics of Artist: Human Kitten
Lyrics of Artist: Human Kitten
[Lyric] The End (Human Kitten)
When I was 15, I was nothing, I was stupid and angry When I was 18, I was blinded, I was drunken and lazy But now I’m 19, and then I’ll be 20 and I will be king of everything And I’ve been sad for most of my life I’ll probably be sad tomorrow I don’t like getting drunk, whenever I’m drunk I feel the same, but a little more dumb But I’ll probably...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Raison dêtre (Human Kitten)
I’m afraid to write about bands that I like For a fear of seeming that I am appealing to a fanbase that I Would like to belong to, would like to report to And at the end of day, I wouldn’t feel ashamed of knowing I was playing a dirty game No, that’s not me, I don’t really care what you think Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, no,...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] New years (Human Kitten)
Half of the time I’m normal Half of the time I’m too crazy to function Half of the time I’m straight edge The other half I’m a raging alcoholic I’m either the life of the party or not speaking at all I’m in love or disinterested, infatuated or indifferent There’s no in between I feel like I have nothing I feel like I have everything I need When...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Me (Human Kitten)
It’s great if you’re fat and it’s great if you’re skinny And it’s great if you're black, white, blue, green or grey And it’s great if you’re a homosexual alcoholic slut And it’s great if you’re straight, sober and celibate As long as you believe there’s love in your fellow mans’ hands And you give them the respect that you expect in this land It...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Space Princess (Human Kitten)
I was supposed to be a missed carriage But the princess was on time I was supposed to be aborted, but the spaceship was in line But I survived, my brain survived And my heart it survived, I can’t believe I survived There was a civil war in debate class Not over owning human beings There’s nothing civil about war What you’re saying’s not what it...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Zerotonin (Human Kitten)
Lying is violence and you're on the front lines Believing whats convenient every single fucking time I shouldn't have to suffer cause you're inclined to decline Any reality that's not clearly defined If you don't communicate your needs You're just a book that no one reads Demanding a synopsis from the people that you know That couldn't help but...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Detroit Social Work (Human Kitten)
I wish I had a reason for feeling how I feel I wish there was a purpose or a meaning or something I wish that when I did feel great It lasted more than just a day And I didn’t go straight back to feeling miserable And the part of my brain that functions wrong Well, I can’t articulate it into a song But the day that it happens, I will retire from...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Chinese Food Interlude (Human Kitten)
All I eat is chinese food and pizza delivery All I eat is chinese food and pizza delivery And I’m way too fucking poor to keep on living this way All I eat is chinese food and pizza delivery And I’m so fucking sad...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Hearing Lemuria for the Second Time (Human Kitten)
The now is never enough, the past was always the best The now is never enough, the past was always the best I’ll never feel satisfied, I’ll never feel satisfied I’ll never feel satisfied, I’ll never feel satisfied I’ve got this seasick pit in my stomach where my old friends live They make sure to remind me of all the things that I forgot to...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Im Sorry (Human Kitten)
Change the things you hate or change the way you feel Complaining is fucking worthless But I totally understand the appeal Every small trace of sexism in me is the direct result of insecurity I’m trying to be better, trying to understand the plight of others and the scars on their hands But I know I’ll never be good enough for you Yes, I know I’ll...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Young Adult Fantasy (Human Kitten)
Please stop reading all of those young adult novels Like "Looking for Alaska" or "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" There’s more to life than romance and butterflies But you'll never learn if you keep on taking advice from 15 year old guys Don’t make it seem poetic that you met a boy back in high school And he was so sweet and cool that you wish...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten[Lyric] Its Cool (Human Kitten)
("Please don’t tell anyone this, but … I want to be happy." "Of course you do. Of course you do. Everyone does." "Yeah, but I didn’t think that I did. I made a promise, such a long time ago, that I was going to take in experiences, all of them, so that I could tell other people about them and maybe save them. But it gets so tiring") I don’t want...Learn MorepopHuman Kitten