Artist: Isol (undxe)
Lyrics of Artist: Isol (undxe)
  1. [Lyric] Third convenient path (Isol (undxe))

    I'm excited for it Damn! Thanks for havin' me on Hey, fuckin, thanks for being live, Nick on the keys, we'll get- There's gonna be more cameras; more action... But the fact of the matter is, is that I AIN'T GOING NOWHERE, MOTHERFUCKER Howzat? Yo, yo 's oh that's pretty interesting; "humans are just grains of sand in a nothing universe Oceans of...Learn More
    popIsol (undxe)
  2. [Lyric] The snake eats its own tail we go a layer deeper (Isol (undxe))

    Hahaha Oh my god Love and life interested me so that I dared to knock at the door of the cosmos Love and life interested me so, that I dared to knock at the door of the cosmos Love and life interested me so, that I- Love and life interested me so, that i dared to knock at the door of the cosmos Love and life interested me, so that i dared to...Learn More
    popIsol (undxe)