Artist: Itzblitz091x
Lyrics of Artist: Itzblitz091x
Lyrics of Artist: Itzblitz091x
[Lyric] No self control (Itzblitz091x)
Tom and Jerry on the beat Chorus No self control can’t take it no self control. Feeling a weakness vains taking my energy can’t move . No self control what do you do when you have no self control (yeah) what do you do to hen you don’t have no self control. ( (No control ) Verse1 (Yeah) WHAT DO YOU FEEL WHEN YOUR SKIN FEELS LIKE IT BLEEDS HOW...Learn MorepopItzblitz091x[Lyric] Jealous (Itzblitz091x)
Intro Tom and Jerry on the beat Verse They just jealous of us from the start yeah thinking we are art yeah just jealous of us. Jealous because I broke there heart all of that from the start Pre chorus Acting all jealous from the start you ain’t smart get hit with a cart yeah you all jealous like jelly you know this is deadly Chorus peter...Learn MorepopItzblitz091x[Lyric] Gravity (Itzblitz091x)
Intro Tom and Jerry on the beat Pre chorus Imma need that gravity to satisfy me don’t wanna start a calamity (calamity) yeah ain’t loosing no sanity just give me that gravity make it float yeah sail like a boat Chorus Yeah give me that gravity yeah all that gravity I could be sweet like a cavity you don’t have the audacity just give me that...Learn MorerapItzblitz091x[Lyric] Slo mo (Itzblitz091x)
Intro Yeah Tom and Jerry on the beat you wanna see this slo mo? Verse1 Oh slo mo like a no no but you still can’t move away this is slo mo ( slo mo) . watch it from the back when I protect and attack watch it from the back when I protect and attack (yeah) Chorus Do this slow motion take it from the back watch attack take it won’t give it back...Learn MorepopItzblitz091x[Lyric] Blast (Itzblitz091x)
Intro Tom and Jerry on the beat Verse 1 Yeah do that blast make it feel like the past going fast like a dash just suppressed like I asked Chorus Yeah do that blast don’t do it last make that shit go to the past yeah all that blast make it go fast like a dash no not flash I’m gonna cast just make it fast yeah all that blast yeah like that don’t...Learn MorerbItzblitz091x[Lyric] Power (Itzblitz091x)
Chorus Give me that power not gonna waste more then a hour fuck small hours they just some coward yea all that power not gonna waste a hour yea all that power Post chorus Don’t act all sour just give me that power yea don’t waste no hours yea give al that power act all louder yea Verse 1 Going in a impact yea not gonna slack that’s a fact yea...Learn MorepopItzblitz091x