Artist: Janet Leigh
Lyrics of Artist: Janet Leigh
  1. [Lyric] Psycho: The Shower (Janet Leigh)

    [CUT TO: INT. MARION's MOTEL ROOM - (NIGHT). MARION is seated at the small desk, engrossed in figuring in a small notebook. We see from these figures a calculation which indicates her intention to make a restitution of the money she has used of the forty thousand dollars. We see, too, her bankbook. The paper reads thus: top figure, 40,000; directly...Learn More
    miscJanet Leigh
  2. [Lyric] Psycho: The Bates Motel (Janet Leigh)

    [DISSOLVE THROUGH TO: EXT. HIGHWAY 99 - LONG SHOT MARION's car dashing along. DISSOLVE TO: MARION IN NEW CAR. MARION looks weary, tired with strain and with hard driving. Her eyes are heavy with worry and deep thought. OUT THE WINDSHIELD we can see that it is much later in the day, almost dusk. MARION IN NEW CAR. We HEAR the sound of an agitated...Learn More
    miscJanet Leigh