Artist: John Albee
Lyrics of Artist: John Albee
  1. [Lyric] Keatss Love-Letters (John Albee)

    Rest, hunted spirit! Canst thou never sleep? Ah, when the ghouls and vampires of the Press Vex all thy tender soul in wantonness, Canst thou know aught of peace, but still must weep! What! shall thy heart's rich blood, poured out so deep, Be made a merchandise without redress, Nor any voice the world's base deed confess Which prints and sells a...Learn More
    miscJohn Albee
  2. [Lyric] Fading Barriers (John Albee)

    If I have ever told you all my heart Was yours, and perfect was the love it bore, Believe it not! For in the time past o'er I, like some world-wide traveler, would start And gaze astonished where the mountains part, Thinking of mountain peaks beyond no more, As dimly climbing from the heaven's blue shore On loftier heights the splendor falls...Learn More
    miscJohn Albee
  3. [Lyric] Recreation in Love (John Albee)

    That thou art high above me I have found Full oft; when all alone my heavy brain Turns from itself to thee, my thoughts regain A place so far beyond their usual bound I know they climb of other stairs the round Than those which their aspiring flights restrain In this dull house of clay. Come, not in vain Thy height shall raise me from this...Learn More
    miscJohn Albee