Artist: Jonathan Coulton
Lyrics of Artist: Jonathan Coulton
  1. [Lyric] Bikini Bottom Day (Jonathan Coulton)

    [SPONGEBOB, spoken] Ahh, good morning, world! And all who inhabit it! (sung) Jumped out of bed Mixed up a breakfast for my favorite pet snail [GARY] Meow [SPONGEBOB] Full steam ahead The S.S. I Am Ready is about to set sail This kind of day Couldn't get much better but it keeps on trying I'm on my way Somewhere there's a krabby patty that needs...Learn More
    rbJonathan Coulton
  2. [Lyric] Want You Gone Live (Jonathan Coulton)

    Well here we are again It's always such a pleasure Remember when you tried To kill me twice? Oh how we laughed and laughed Except I wasn't laughing Under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice You want your freedom? Take it That's what I'm counting on I used to want you dead, but Now I only want you gone She was a lot like you (Maybe not quite...Learn More
    popJonathan Coulton