Artist: Jorge Luis Borges
Lyrics of Artist: Jorge Luis Borges
Lyrics of Artist: Jorge Luis Borges
[Lyric] The Wall and the Books (Jorge Luis Borges)
(translation from Spanish and comments by Gaither Stewart) He, whose long wall the wand’ring Tartar bounds … Dunciad, II, 76. (1) I read, in past days, that the man who ordered the construction of the nearly infinite Wall of China was that First Emperor, Shih Huang Ti, who likewise ordered the burning of all the books before him. That the two...Learn MoremiscJorge Luis Borges[Lyric] A History of Eternity (Jorge Luis Borges)
I The passage of the Enneads that seeks to question and define the nature of time states that a prior acquaintance with eternity is indispensable since—as everyone knows—eternity is the model and archetype of time. This prefatory statement, all the more crucial if we take it to be sincere, appears to annihilate any hope of our reaching an...Learn MoremiscJorge Luis Borges[Lyric] The Aleph (Jorge Luis Borges)
O God! I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a King of infinite space... Hamlet, II, 2 But they will teach us that Eternity is the Standing still of the Present Time, a Nunc-stans (as the schools call it); which neither they, nor any else understand, no more than they would a Hic-stans for an Infinite greatness of Place. Leviathan, IV,...Learn MoremiscJorge Luis Borges[Lyric] There are more things (Jorge Luis Borges)
To the memory of H. P. Lovecraft Just as I was about to take my last examination at the University of Texas, in Austin, I learned that my uncle Edwin Arnett had died of an aneurysm on the remote frontier of South America. I felt what we always feel when some-one dies—the sad awareness, now futile, of how little it would have cost us to have been...Learn MoremiscJorge Luis Borges