Artist: L'FREAQ
Lyrics of Artist: L'FREAQ
  1. [Lyric] Showgirl (L'FREAQ)

    Mama birthed a showgirl Yeah, she's gunning for the whole world Now she's keeping them awake up late at night Said she is a conquerer But she struggles with her power Cause they try to tear her down and dim her light Love It shouldn't feel like a birdcage It doesn't look like a box It shouldn't feel like a prison It doesn't break when it hits the...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Loud (L'FREAQ)

    Cut the ego when you’re talking to me I might wear a mask but can’t you see I’m a freak I don’t wanna kneel now feel an army of me No one cares about the pain just as long as you bleed You ask me why can’t you sit down shut up and wait your turn I want it now so I guess you could say I never learn You’re blind and tired of wondering how I take...Learn More