Artist: Lemson
Lyrics of Artist: Lemson
Lyrics of Artist: Lemson
[Lyric] Le Master Plan (Lemson)
[Intro: MalcomFlekx] Although it has taken me months of irrelevancy I think it's time to finally admit I have had jealousy Over Lemson, Dyaz, and Jams. I wish I had their swag Charisma and swag when it comes to things that I don't have Pls luv me [Hook:Dyaz bringer of love n peace] Uh, reality check the master plan Rolling round town in our Scooby...Learn MorerapLemson[Lyric] Peanut Butter Jams Diss (Lemson)
[Verse 1: Lemson] See James, the people of Rap Genius love me, I’m doing this for the hell of it Stanning Loopy and getting de-editored every 30 minutes are the only ways you stay relevant Isn’t this the guy that Dyaz gave editor? LOL the only thing weaker than you is trying to imagine Mykro as a wrestler Now James, there’s one small thing I’ve...Learn MorerapLemson[Lyric] This Is Why Im Macaroni (Lemson)
[Verse 1: Lemson aka Pony Boii] Bitches call me Slick Rick Ross Especially when they're swimming in my thick dick sauce Call me the goat cuz I am what I eat Call me the meat cuz I am what I beat Call your girl a helmet, when she's givin dome RAP GAME DOUG DIMMADOME OWNER OF THE DIMMSDALE DIMMADOME My socks got pandas on them, that's hipster Smoking...Learn MorerapLemson