Artist: Lilten
Lyrics of Artist: Lilten
  1. [Lyric] Sky blue (Lilten)

    Lil emani] romuor was staying with a vet was on mr get BLA[roumor is known as the skulls] wash on me get BLA run hem down TO THE STA RIGHT NOW NOW WASH ON ME GET BLA RUN EEM DOWN TO THE STA breaking your house if your in the zone zoo york we come in PEACE [lil ten] Lilten Lilb or Broturn with emanwell chopping all thess end with the fedes with the...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Hop off (Lilten)

    PROD BY 8080DONKEYYYYY] mister low and knee knows that im real bacon roblox can you please go on your knees and stop wining because...Learn More