Artist: Louie Drayden
Lyrics of Artist: Louie Drayden
  1. [Lyric] Tentang Aku (Louie Drayden)

    Mungkin hanya jiwa yang tak terjaga jua Dalam doa Hingga khilaf menyentuh terasa bergetar Ku berlalu Saat terasa waktu tlah hilang Ku terdiam oh Saat hanya gundah yang bertentangan Ku bernyanyi Cinta cita harapan Dan ku terbawa dalam kisah yang lama Cinta cita harapan Dan ku terbawa dalam kisah lama Amarah yang tak terucapkan jua Tak...Learn More
    popLouie Drayden
  2. [Lyric] Wasted (Louie Drayden)

    I'll waste my life now If I had a reason I'll change my life now A brand new rhythm Death is for the living now In life we'll find out If we are meant to be apart Rest your soul I'm dead inside Rest your soul I'm dead inside Rest your soul I'm dead You don't mean a thing And I don't mean a thing We don't mean a thing I'd sell my diamonds Waste...Learn More
    popLouie Drayden