Artist: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lyrics of Artist: Lucy Maud Montgomery
  1. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 22 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXII. Anne is Invited Out to Tea "And what are your eyes popping out of your head about. Now?" asked Marilla, when Anne had just come in from a run to the post office. "Have you discovered another kindred spirit?" Excitement hung around Anne like a garment, shone in her eyes, kindled in every feature. She had come dancing up the lane, like...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  2. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 5 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER V. Anne's History "Do you know," said Anne confidentially, "I've made up my mind to enjoy this drive. It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will. Of course, you must make it up FIRMLY. I am not going to think about going back to the asylum while we're having our drive. I'm...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  3. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 13 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XIII. The Delights of Anticipation "It's time Anne was in to do her sewing," said Marilla, glancing at the clock and then out into the yellow August afternoon where everything drowsed in the heat. "She stayed playing with Diana more than half an hour more'n I gave her leave to; and now she's perched out there on the woodpile talking to...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  4. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 7 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers When Marilla took Anne up to bed that night she said stiffly: "Now, Anne, I noticed last night that you threw your clothes all about the floor when you took them off. That is a very untidy habit, and I can't allow it at all. As soon as you take off any article of clothing fold it neatly and place it on the...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  5. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 8 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER VIII. Anne's Bringing-up Is Begun For reasons best known to herself, Marilla did not tell Anne that she was to stay at Green Gables until the next afternoon. During the forenoon she kept the child busy with various tasks and watched over her with a keen eye while she did them. By noon she had concluded that Anne was smart and obedient,...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  6. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 25 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXV. Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves Matthew was having a bad ten minutes of it. He had come into the kitchen, in the twilight of a cold, gray December evening, and had sat down in the woodbox corner to take off his heavy boots, unconscious of the fact that Anne and a bevy of her schoolmates were having a practice of "The Fairy Queen" in...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  7. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 27 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXVII. Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Marilla, walking home one late April evening from an Aid meeting, realized that the winter was over and gone with the thrill of delight that spring never fails to bring to the oldest and saddest as well as to the youngest and merriest. Marilla was not given to subjective analysis of her thoughts and...Learn More
    rapLucy Maud Montgomery
  8. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 2 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER II. Matthew Cuthbert is surprised Matthew Cuthbert and the sorrel mare jogged comfortably over the eight miles to Bright River. It was a pretty road, running along between snug farmsteads, with now and again a bit of balsamy fir wood to drive through or a hollow where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom. The air was sweet with the breath...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  9. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 10 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER X. Anne's Apology Marilla said nothing to Matthew about the affair that evening; but when Anne proved still refractory the next morning an explanation had to be made to account for her absence from the breakfast table. Marilla told Matthew the whole story, taking pains to impress him with a due sense of the enormity of Anne's...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  10. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 34 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXXIV. A Queen's Girl The next three weeks were busy ones at Green Gables, for Anne was getting ready to go to Queen's, and there was much sewing to be done, and many things to be talked over and arranged. Anne's outfit was ample and pretty, for Matthew saw to that, and Marilla for once made no objections whatever to anything he purchased...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  11. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 31 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXXI. Where the Brook and River Meet Anne had her "good" summer and enjoyed it wholeheartedly. She and Diana fairly lived outdoors, reveling in all the delights that Lover's Lane and the Dryad's Bubble and Willowmere and Victoria Island afforded. Marilla offered no objections to Anne's gypsyings. The Spencervale doctor who had come the...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery
  12. [Lyric] Anne Of Green Gables CHAP. 21 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

    CHAPTER XXI. A New Departure in Flavorings "Dear me, there is nothing but meetings and partings in this world, as Mrs. Lynde says," remarked Anne plaintively, putting her slate and books down on the kitchen table on the last day of June and wiping her red eyes with a very damp handkerchief. "Wasn't it fortunate, Marilla, that I took an extra...Learn More
    miscLucy Maud Montgomery